Showing posts with label Alternative Medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alternative Medicine. Show all posts

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Breast Cysts Natural Treatment Options!

Several women experience the formation of breast cysts.

These are benign and most common in pre-menopausal women. Some women experience pain with these cysts.

Proper diagnosis can help in treating the breast cysts.

Breast cysts can develop in one or both the breasts.

Various causes can result in the formation of breast cysts, among those fibrocystic breast diseases or cystic mastitis is the most common one.

The formation of breast cyst is also linked to the onset of premenstrual syndrome. The most common period to develop breast cysts is between 30’s and 50’s.

Fluctuations in hormone levels and consequent hormone fluctuations within the body occur one to two weeks before menstruation. This can cause breast glands to fill with fluid and increase or decrease in size based on the hormone levels. As the breast tissues are very sensitive to the hormone changes, all these changes can result in the formation of breast cysts. During this period your breasts become swollen and inflamed and resulting in varying degrees of pain.

Usually, fluids form your breast tissues are collected and transported out of the breasts through the lymphatic system, if the amount of fluid is greater than the lymphatic system can handle then various places of the breast are occupied with this fluid resulting in the formation of breast cysts. If you think that you have breast cysts, then you should get checked with your doctor.

Also, researchers said that an increase in estrogen and decrease in progesterone hormones and also lactating hormones oxytocin or prolactin can trigger the formation of breast cysts.

In order to detect the breast cysts medically, a needle is inserted into the cyst to take out the fluid for evaluation. Most often, doctors recommend draining of the cyst in order to prevent the reoccurrence of the cyst in future. Apart from medical treatments which are very dangerous, you can consider some alternative and natural treatments. They include:

Herbs to treat breast cysts:
  • Vitex: This herb can also be called as chaste berry, which helps to increase the levels of progesterone hormone and corrects the balance between estrogen and progesterone. You are not recommended to use this herb during pregnancy or while getting hormone therapy.

  • Black Cohosh: Usually this herb is used as general health booster. You can take the herb in capsule form, drops of tincture, or in the form of tea.

  • Evening primrose oil: This oil is a great source of essential fatty acids that have natural antiprostaglandin properties, which help to reduce breast cysts. Prostaglandins are chemicals that your body develops and can cause breast inflammation and lead to breast cysts.

  • Butcher’s Broom: This herb contains chemicals that are related to diosgenin, which is a hormone like element of wild yam. It helps to reduce the inflammatory process of the breasts, which can cause the formation of cysts.

  • Saw Palmetto: It has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce breast inflammation. It reduces the effect of estrogen on your breasts.

  • Gotu Kola: Also known as Centella asiatica acts as a tonic or health booster.
Diet tips to treat breast cysts:
  • Stop drinking coffee and black tea, which are higher in Methylxanthines. Methylxanthines can lead to the formation of breast cysts. Methylxanthines can also be found in some chocolates and colas. Also, avoid drinking alcohol. Decrease the consumption of animal meats, dairy products.

  • Lack of iodine in your diet can also lead to the formation of cysts. Lack of iodine makes your thyroid gland inactive and lead to the formation breast lumps and cysts.

  • Wearing brass that can restrict the circulation of lymph in the lymphatic vessels. Tight brass can block or slow the removal of wastes through the lymphatic system. Women who wear constricting types of brassieres such as under wire and throughout the night, are the most susceptible to breast cyst formation in middle age.

  • Consume soy based foods, which are having higher isoflavones. These helps to reduce the effect of excess estrogen. Vegetables like Brussels, broccoli and cabbage contain chemicals called indoles, which help to protect your breasts from excess estrogen.
Supplements to treat breast cysts:
  • Vitamin A: Helps your breast ducts functioning properly.

  • Indoles: Indoles are chemicals that fight against cysts and tumors. They found in cabbage-family vegetables. You can also find these chemicals in capsule form.

  • Vitamin E: This is a skin boosting vitamin, which helps to protect your breast tissues. This vitamin has good antioxidant properties and maintains hormonal balance. Regular intake of vitamin E helps to reduce breast tenderness and cysts formation.

  • Isoflavones: These compounds are found in soy and tofu. They reduce the formation of breast tumors.
Before taking any of these herbs and supplements, you should consult your doctor about the specific dosage.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Holistic Medicine For Endometriosis!

Most of the women notice excellent results with alternative therapies and natural treatments for endometriosis. Basically, alternative and natural treatments deal with emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of health.

Holistic medicine is connected with mind and body. The practitioners of holistic medicine treat the whole person as opposed to the individual organs where symptoms occur.

Here are the holistic therapies that can help endometriosis:

Herbs for endometriosis:

Herbal medicine treats the disease by using medicinal plants, together internally and externally, to renovate the patient back to health. The therapeutic qualities present in the plants help you to enhance your body’s own recuperative powers.

For treating endometriosis, the first task of herbs is to try and re-balance the hormone levels in the body. Some other herbs help to strengthen your immune system so that the body can then begin to eliminate the disease.

Here are some herbs that can help with endometriosis:
  • Vitex berries: This herb balances your estrogen levels. These substances naturally help regulate estrogen which is the cause of endometriosis.

  • Burdock root: It helps to treat your liver, which helps clear excess estrogen.

  • Red raspberry, wild yam, evening primrose and ginger: These help to reduce bleeding and cramps during your period.

  • Castor oil: Applying castor oil packs on the pelvic region can help to reduce the pain.

  • Chamomile and lavender oil: Adding drops of these oil in your bath water can help to reduce inflammation.

  • Echinacea and vitamin C: These herbs help to boost your immune system.
Acupuncture for endometriosis:

Acupuncture is a low risk technique that is very effective in treating pain and symptoms of endometriosis. The treatment of endometriosis with acupuncture usually requires a commitment to enough time to rebalance the body's systems.

If there is pain with the lunar cycle, then treatment must proceed until at least 3 normal cycles are achieved. From this point, it may be possible to use plant medicines with only the occasional acupuncture treatment to control symptoms.

Acupuncture treatments promote the release of endorphins and other “healing” chemicals in the body. These chemicals assist in healing and pain management. Usually, dealing endometriosis with acupuncture usually requires a commitment of enough time to rebalance the body's systems. This will vary from one woman to another, and will be dependent on the severity of the disease.

Homeopathy for endometriosis:

Homeopathy is a healing method of medicine, in which very dilute doses of natural substances (plant, animal, mineral) are administered to a patient to treat symptoms that would be induced in a healthy individual by ingestion of that same substance.

Homeopathy stimulates the body’s own defenses to correct illness and allow symptoms to dissipate. The minute doses of drug substances used in homeopathy do not cause any side effects. Homeopathy can be used for short term (acute) illnesses and long term (chronic) illnesses. For the treatment of Endometriosis, homeopathy treats the individual not the disease.

Aromatherapy for endometriosis:

Aromatherapy is a healing method that uses the natural aromatic characteristics of plants - the essential oils - both for their scent and for their inherent medicinal properties. These aromatic oils can be found in a wide range of species and are extracted from the seeds, bark, leaves, flowers, wood, roots or resin according to the type of plant.

Aromatherapy can help most of the individual areas of dealing for Endometriosis. The chemical characteristics of singular essential oils can help digestion, aid with sleep problems, improve your immune system, maintain the reproductive system, help re-balance the hormone system, and lots of other subtle benefits.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

5 Alternative Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection!

Urinary tract infection occurs when the microorganism invades your bladder or urethra that carries urine from the bladder and out of the body.

Finally, it leads to burning or pain during urination, frequent urination, blood in the urine and lower back pain.
Proper sanitation and drinking lots of fluids are very much essential for preventing urinary tract infection.

Here are alternative medicine choices for treating urinary tract infection:

1. Juice therapy for treating urinary tract infection:

Drinking lots of fluids can help to flush out the bacteria that lead to urinary tract infection. Some fluids are even better than the others. For example, cranberry juice is probably the best, because it helps prevent bacteria from anchoring to bladder walls. It is best to take real cranberry juice, but not cranberry juice cocktails. This juice is rich in vitamin C and quinolic acid, which help to prevent UTI.

If you won’t find real cranberry juice, you can get cranberry juice concentrate, which you can mix with water. Researchers suggested that drinking 16 ounces of cranberry juice a day can help to prevent the problem. To get delicious taste, you can mix it with some fresh apple juice.

2. Aromatherapy for treating urinary tract infection:

Make essential oil by mixing equal parts of tea tree, juniper, sandalwood, frankincense, and bergamot. Thoroughly mix all these ingredients and apply over your bladder area and rub. Continue rubbing with this mixture for 3-4 days until the symptoms will subside.

3. Vitamin C to prevent urinary tract infection:

Daily intake of vitamin C in your diet will increase the acidity content of the urine and prevent bacterial growth. Women who are suffering from urinary tract infection, a daily intake of 1000mg of Vitamin C can prevent the disease from reoccurring.

4. Herbal remedies for treating urinary tract infection:

Herbal remedies such as goldenseal root, uva ursi and Echinacea when consumed three to four times a day can help to prevent urinary tract infection. Goldenseal root is a power antimicrobial agent, when consumed in the form of tea made from 1 tsp of dried herb per cup of hot water or as a tincture or in capsule form can help to prevent UTI.

Uva ursi is a powerful antiseptic agent that has soothing and strengthening properties. You can drink it in the form of tea or take as a tincture.

Echinacea contains substances that can help to fight infections such as UTI. You can drink Echinacea in the form of tea once a day or in the form of capsule once a day.

Some other herbs that help to prevent UTI include:
  • Marshmallow root: It is a soothing agent.
  • Corn silk: A soothing diuretic
  • Usnea Lichen: It has wonderful soothing and antiseptic properties.
  • Buchu: It is a soothing diuretic and antiseptic for the urinary system.
  • Usnea Lichen: It is an antiseptic and soothing agent.
  • Horsetail: It is an astringent and mild diuretic with tissue healing properties.
These herbs don’t cause any side effects when used at the suggested doses. But very rarely they can cause mild headache and stomach upset.

5. Homeopathic remedies for urinary tract infection:

You should consult a trained homeopathic practitioner to prescribe a deep acting and constitutional remedy. Do not take any remedy longer than a day or two without consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Here are some homeopathic remedies often prescribed for UTI:
  • Sarsasparilla: Helps to relieve pain that comes after urination has stopped.
  • Cantharis: For treating frequent urination that is associated with burning sensation.
  • Staphysagria: Helps to treat UTI that is the result of sexual intercourse.
  • Apis mellifica: Helps to treat stinging pain that becomes more severe with heat.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Importance Of Homeopathy For Women’s Health!

Homeopathy is a form of complementary and alternative medicine which contains few to no pharmacologically active ingredients.

Essentially, Homeopathy is completely natural and organic herbal ingredients in most cases.

Homeopathy may give you good health in all stages of life from infancy through old age.

Homeopathy gives you good emotional, physical and mental healthy. It aids through the transitional and developmental milestones of your life.

Homeopathy during teenage:

During the teenage, homeopathy can help with various hormone changes of puberty and acne break outs that most of the people experience at this time. Moreover, homeopathy helps with the emotional disturbances that frequently occur during the transition of little girl to womanhood.

When you are treated with homeopathy for pre-menstrual syndrome, the practitioner considers the most appropriate remedy that helps in relieving the symptoms like breast tenderness, irritability, fluid retention, mood swings and headaches.

Homeopathy during conception:

When you are trying to conceive or problems in conceiving, homeopathy helps you to some extent. During pregnancy, homeopathy helps with the symptoms like depression, nausea and morning sickness.

Homeopathy treats illnesses during pregnancy and makes you healthy to deliver a healthy baby and the baby free from any inherited diseases. Also, homeopathy helps you during the process of childbirth.

Homeopathy after childbirth:

Homeopathy helps women to overcome from the severe effects of difficult birth, hysterectomy, abortion, and also the use of contraceptive pills.

Homeopathy during menopause:

Homeopathy is extremely beneficial to women during menopause. Homeopathic remedies help women pass through this transition with relative ease. These remedies help to heal menopause symptoms like lack of energy, hot flashes, weepiness, insomnia, night sweats, and anxiety. These symptoms gradually disappear in such a subtle fashion that the person is unaware of how they passed.

Homeopathy works by stimulating the body's healing system to regain a sense of balance, problems involving hormonal imbalances respond well to homeopathic treatment. Problems associated with menstrual cycles, hormone imbalances, and pre-menstrual syndrome can be treated with homeopathy.

Fibroids can also be treated with homeopathy. For some women, homeopathy prevents the need of hysterectomy.

Along with the above conditions, homeopathy helps to treat conditions like: irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, gallstones, respiratory ailments, migraines, cystitis, fatigue, hay fever, depression and anxiety.

But, pregnant women while taking homeopathic remedies, consult the practitioner about their safety during pregnancy. Some may recommend homeopathy during pregnancy for heartburn, hemorrhoids and constipation.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Herbs To Ease Menopause Symptoms!

Some women feel that menopause can bring them relief from monthly menstrual periods, freedom from worrying about unplanned pregnancy, and a great excitement about entering into a new phase of life.

While, some other women feel that menopause can cause various emotional and physical disturbances.

So, for which category you belongs to or you are in somewhere between them?

Whatever it is, all of us need to suffer from certain menopause symptoms, such as depression, insomnia, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, sore breasts, stiff joints, and bloating.

In order to ease these symptoms, traditional Chinese medicine offered a variety of treatments such as herbs. Some herbs are also scientifically proved, such as black cohosh, vitex, etc.

Here are the herbs for menopause symptoms:

1. Black cohosh

Studies showed that black cohosh is effective in reducing the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is a great cause of hot flashes. There are two anti-rheumatic agents in this herb. This herb works effectively in relieving muscular pain and cramping.

2. Vitex

Vitext herb has hormone regulating properties. This herb can not only relieve hot flashes but also helps in treating vaginal dryness and depression. This herb acts on pituitary and hypothalamus glands and regulates the levels of progesterone hormone. This herb won’t cause any side effects and also it won’t react with other medications.

3. Dong quai

This is a well-known herb in Chinese medicine for its blood purifying properties. This herb has tonic and regulatory effects on female reproductive system.

Studies showed that dong quai works effectively as anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and pain reliever. It lowers your blood pressure and soothes menopausal discomforts.

This herb can also be called as “female ginseng” because of its ability to re-nourish and revitalize your body by correcting hormonal imbalance. Dong quai when used in conjunction with other herbs that tonify your spleen can work greatly in relieving dizziness, hot flashes, stomachaches, blurred vision, and constipation.

4. Dandelion

It works great for liver. Hormonal imbalances during menopause can put stress on your liver. Dandelion root can greatly helps to prevent it.

5. Chamaelirium luteum

This acts as estrogen regulator. It directly works on your uterus and ovaries. It works greatly for the specific treatment of ovarian cysts.

6. Gingko biloba

It improves circulation, brain function and oxygen supply to all the cells in your body. It works greatly for treating depression, fatigue and memory problems.

7. Licorice

It works as powerful adrenal stimulant and is a wonderful estrogenic herb. But, care must be taken while using the herb. This herb can not be used too often as it can increase blood pressure and deplete potassium.

8. Liferoot

It acts a uterine tonic and contains great amounts of estrogens. This herb helps in establishing vascular and emotional stability and avoids hot flashes. Also it can help in treating painful, irregular and excessive menstrual bleeding.

9. Red clover

It contains a plant estrogen named as coumestrol that can regulate your ovaries. It has good alkaline properties and restores your body functions. It works greatly in treating ovarian cysts.

10. Raspberry

It acts as an astringent. This nutritive estrogenic herb helps in strengthening your uterine muscles and relieves intestinal and uterine spasms. Also, it helps in treating uterine and vaginal prolapse.

11. Saw palmetto

It has astringent and diuretic properties that help in treating urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and fluid retention.

12. Shepherd's purse

This herb has good androgenic properties. It helps in normalizing the progesterone levels. If you are entering into menopause and having excessive and irregular bleeding or spotting, this herb can help in regulating and increasing the length of the menstrual cycle.

13. True unicorn root

This herb can strengthen your genital organs and it relieves indigestion and acts as sedative.

14. Wild yam

This is a powerful estrogenic herb being in use by various women around the world. It has good anti-inflammatory properties and relieves menopausal arthritis.

15. St. Johns Wort

It acts as sedative and works for anxiety states and also helpful in combating menopausal depression.
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