Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kegel Exercises For Urinary Incontinence!

Kegel exercises mainly strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which support your uterus, bladder and bowel.

Doing kegel exercises regularly to keep the pelvic floor muscles strong can help to reduce the risk of incontinence and other similar problems as you get older.

But, learning how to do the kegel exercises is somewhat tricky. It is difficult to know whether you are working on correct muscles or not.

Various conditions can cause stress on your pelvic floor muscles, such as:
  • Aging

  • Being overweight

  • Childbirth

  • Chronic cough

  • Pregnancy

  • Genetic predisposition to weak connective tissue
When your pelvic floor muscles become weak, the pelvic organs fall down and bulge into the vagina, which is called as pelvic organ prolapse. The symptoms can range from uncomfortable pelvic pressure to leakage of urine or feces.

Doing the kegel exercises can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and delay or prevent pelvic organ prolapse.

Kegel exercises are particularly important during your pregnancy. Strong pelvic floor muscles make you feel more comfortable when you are near to the due date.

So here is how to do the kegel exercises:

Identifying pelvic floor muscles need lot of attention. Here is how to identify the pelvic floor muscle:

Do you know how to contract the pelvic floor muscles? There is nothing difficult, just try to stop the passage of urine when you are going to the bathroom. If you succeed in stopping the urine, you have got the basic move.

You can also try another method: put your finger in the vagina and attempt to contract the surrounding muscles. Then you will feel that your vagina becomes tight and the pelvic floor move somewhat upward. Then try to relax the muscle and let the pelvic floor move downward.

But, don’t make a habit of starting and stopping the urine flow. Practicing kegel exercises with a full bladder or while emptying the bladder makes pelvic muscles weak. It leads to incomplete emptying of your bladder thus increasing the threat of urinary tract infection.

After identifying the correct pelvic floor muscles, pass the urine and lie or sit down. Then gently squeeze your pelvic floor muscles. Hold the muscles for at least 3 seconds and relax. Repeat it for 10-15 times.

In order to get the maximum benefits, only concentrate on tightening the pelvic floor muscles. But don’t flex the muscles in thighs, buttocks or abdomen and also don’t hold the breath. Do the kegel exercises three times a day.

How kegel exercises are beneficial?
  • Strong muscles make the childbirth process easy.

  • Strong muscles prevent pelvic organ prolapse.

  • Sexual enjoyment is enhanced for you and your partner.

  • Strong muscles prevent leakage of urine when you cough or sneeze.

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