Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Risk Of Antidepressants During Menopause!

Recent study stated that older women who take antidepressants are at greater risk of stroke and death when compared to women who are not on the antidepressant medications.

The study also stated that depression itself is a risk factor for early death, heart disease and various other illnesses. But, the study doesn’t mean that women should stop taking antidepressants. It is just only informative purpose about the risks and benefits of medications for older women.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Zoloft and Prozac are now replaced with tricyclic antidepressants, which can harm the heart. Postmenopausal women with SSRIs are at increased risk for both heart disease and depression.

Researchers found that women taking SSRIs had a 45 percent increase in risk of stroke and a 32 percent increase in risk of dying from any cause during follow up, compared with nonusers. Use of older tricyclic antidepressants wasn't linked to stroke, but it did increase by 67 percent the risk of death during follow up.

Monday, December 28, 2009

7 Self-care Tips For Bad Vaginal Odor!

An imbalance in the types of bacteria that are naturally found in a woman’s vagina leads to the foul smelling vaginal discharge.

During normal conditions, there are different types of bacteria present in your vagina.

The main symptom of this condition is abnormal vaginal discharge that tends to have an unpleasant odor.

Foul smelling vaginal odor can also be due to a sexually transmitted disease such as bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection.

Here are few self-care tips that help to reduce abnormal vaginal odor:

1. The fabric you use:

You should wear cotton panties. Cotton panties help to keep your vaginal area dry and allow air to pass through. When the vaginal area is dry, then there is a less chance for occurring the foul odor.

If you wear synthetic fabrics, they can trap the moisture in and promote odor by allowing the bacteria to develop that can lead to foul odor and infections.

2. Douche or not to douche:

Usually, douching affects the natural pH balance within your vagina. Frequent douching kills the healthy bacteria that can help in fighting against unhealthy bacteria, which cause infections. So, it is better to wash your vagina by using unscented, gentle soap and water.

3. Use panty liners:

Panty liners can help to absorb the moisture at your vaginal area. You will find them in scented and unscented forms and they greatly help you to stay dry and also odor free. As they are smaller in size, they do not cause any discomfort.

These small, discrete pads fit snugly right inside your panties. You can wear them anytime of the month and they simply help absorb any excess moisture. If you have fishy vaginal odor, you can use scented pads.

4. Holy hygiene:

Bad hygiene is the great cause of vaginal odors. So, daily bathing and washing your vagina twice a day can prevent the vaginal odor. Even you skip these for one day; it can lead to bad odor. Most of the women can get sweat in their groin area. It is also a major cause of vaginal odor. So, you should wipe this sweat daily to prevent vaginal odor.

5. Period perils:

Period is the most discomfortable time for every woman. The odor that comes along with the period can make the existing vaginal odor even worse. So, to prevent this from occurring, you should wash the vaginal area twice a day and change the pads or tampons regularly.

6. Chemical hygiene products:

Actually, using chemical sprays and scented hygiene products can lead to bad vaginal odors. Some chemical products cause itching or irritation around the vaginal area and also to the mucus membranes. Using these products can kill the healthy bacteria in your vagina and make it more prone to infections.

7. Check for bad vaginal smells:

You should know that bad vaginal smells can also be due to a condition like bacterial vaginosis. Symptoms of this condition include: a gray or white thin vaginal discharge with a strong fishy odor, itching or burning sensation. If you notice any of these symptoms, immediately consult your doctor.

Vaginal odor is a problem that plagues countless women and can reoccur every few months. There are effective treatments for the condition that don't just mask the odor, they actually treat the problem and eliminate it.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Does Obesity Cut Your Lifespan?

Researchers said that your lifespan could be shrinking in proportions to your growing waistline. Obese people die ten years before they should. Also, moderate obesity cuts your lifespan by three years.

Studies showed that people with BMI of 30-35 will die three before than they should and people with BMI of 40-45 will die ten years before.

If you are becoming obese or overweight, it is advised to avoid further weight gain for adding years to your life. Studies said that people should put a conscious effort against piling on the pounds, which most often happens between 25-50 years of life.

Obesity is linked with high risk of heart disease and stroke. According to the international BMI scale, BMI above 25 is considered as overweight and above 30 is considered as obese.

Even you have low BMI, having high body fat can also cut your lifespan. It is found that death ratio is lowest in those who were on the high part of obesity on the normal range and had a BMI from 23-24.

Also, studies showed that people with BMIs less than 22.5 have a higher risk of during than those who weighed slightly more, largely because of respiratory illnesses, such as lung cancer. The researchers say this is probably the result of skinny people who were smokers.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Link Between Infertility And Breast Cancer!

Recent studies stated that mutations in the BRCA1 gene that is gene linked to early beginning of breast cancer seem to be connected to a premature diminishment of egg reserve. This discover finally explain the relation between infertility and breast cancer or ovarian cancer risk.

Patients with BRCA mutation-positive, there was low ovarian response rate that is considerably more as thought to patients with BRCA mutation-negative and also with BRCA-untested women.

Each mutation-positive low patient seemed to have BRCA1 mutations, but low response could not be seen in women who were just BRCA2 mutation positive. As opposed to controls, BRCA1 mutation but not BRCA2 mutation-positive women is believed to have generated lesser amount of eggs.

It is established that, in the common inhabitants, around 1 in every 1,000 women is actually BRCA mutation positive and this rate could be as high as 2.5% in particular racial group.

Irrespective of major mechanisms of early diminishment of egg store in BRCA1 mutation-positive patients, the end result could have deep suggestions for the future fertility of a vast amount of women in the population.

Also, the study stated that there may be a new connection between low response to ovarian stimulation with fertility drugs and BRCA1 mutations. It could propose a possible connection between infertility, and breast cancer or ovarian threats.

The examination of the BRCA gene in the women with infertility and low response to ovarian stimulation could be valuable, particularly if there is a history of breast and/or ovarian cancer.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

5 Alternative Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection!

Urinary tract infection occurs when the microorganism invades your bladder or urethra that carries urine from the bladder and out of the body.

Finally, it leads to burning or pain during urination, frequent urination, blood in the urine and lower back pain.
Proper sanitation and drinking lots of fluids are very much essential for preventing urinary tract infection.

Here are alternative medicine choices for treating urinary tract infection:

1. Juice therapy for treating urinary tract infection:

Drinking lots of fluids can help to flush out the bacteria that lead to urinary tract infection. Some fluids are even better than the others. For example, cranberry juice is probably the best, because it helps prevent bacteria from anchoring to bladder walls. It is best to take real cranberry juice, but not cranberry juice cocktails. This juice is rich in vitamin C and quinolic acid, which help to prevent UTI.

If you won’t find real cranberry juice, you can get cranberry juice concentrate, which you can mix with water. Researchers suggested that drinking 16 ounces of cranberry juice a day can help to prevent the problem. To get delicious taste, you can mix it with some fresh apple juice.

2. Aromatherapy for treating urinary tract infection:

Make essential oil by mixing equal parts of tea tree, juniper, sandalwood, frankincense, and bergamot. Thoroughly mix all these ingredients and apply over your bladder area and rub. Continue rubbing with this mixture for 3-4 days until the symptoms will subside.

3. Vitamin C to prevent urinary tract infection:

Daily intake of vitamin C in your diet will increase the acidity content of the urine and prevent bacterial growth. Women who are suffering from urinary tract infection, a daily intake of 1000mg of Vitamin C can prevent the disease from reoccurring.

4. Herbal remedies for treating urinary tract infection:

Herbal remedies such as goldenseal root, uva ursi and Echinacea when consumed three to four times a day can help to prevent urinary tract infection. Goldenseal root is a power antimicrobial agent, when consumed in the form of tea made from 1 tsp of dried herb per cup of hot water or as a tincture or in capsule form can help to prevent UTI.

Uva ursi is a powerful antiseptic agent that has soothing and strengthening properties. You can drink it in the form of tea or take as a tincture.

Echinacea contains substances that can help to fight infections such as UTI. You can drink Echinacea in the form of tea once a day or in the form of capsule once a day.

Some other herbs that help to prevent UTI include:
  • Marshmallow root: It is a soothing agent.
  • Corn silk: A soothing diuretic
  • Usnea Lichen: It has wonderful soothing and antiseptic properties.
  • Buchu: It is a soothing diuretic and antiseptic for the urinary system.
  • Usnea Lichen: It is an antiseptic and soothing agent.
  • Horsetail: It is an astringent and mild diuretic with tissue healing properties.
These herbs don’t cause any side effects when used at the suggested doses. But very rarely they can cause mild headache and stomach upset.

5. Homeopathic remedies for urinary tract infection:

You should consult a trained homeopathic practitioner to prescribe a deep acting and constitutional remedy. Do not take any remedy longer than a day or two without consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Here are some homeopathic remedies often prescribed for UTI:
  • Sarsasparilla: Helps to relieve pain that comes after urination has stopped.
  • Cantharis: For treating frequent urination that is associated with burning sensation.
  • Staphysagria: Helps to treat UTI that is the result of sexual intercourse.
  • Apis mellifica: Helps to treat stinging pain that becomes more severe with heat.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

16 Risk Factors Of Heart Disease In Women!

Women are at high risk for heart disease and stroke when compared to men.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women above 65 years of age.

The American heart association has found that various factors can increase the risk of heart disease in women.

The greater the risk factors a woman have, the more her risk of getting a heart attack.

There are certain risk factors that you can not control, such as advancing age, gender, family history and race.

Also, you can alter certain risk factors to lower the risk of heart disease.

Risk factors of heart disease that you can’t control:

1. Gender: Every year, about 60,000 more women when compared to men have heart disease. More than 60% of the total stroke deaths occur in only women.

2. Advancing age: Usually, women develop heat disease 10-15 years later than men. Until you enter into the menopause stage, your ovaries can produce enough estrogen and it protects you against building the plaque in arteries.

But, once you enter into menopause, your ovaries stop production of estrogen thus increasing your risk of heart disease.

Not only menopause is the only reason for heart attack, but as you age, arteries become stiffer and thicker thus keeping at risk.

3. Family history: Woman whose father or brother had developed heart disease before 55 years of age is at greater risk and woman whose mother or sister had developed heart disease before 65 years of age is also at risk.

4. Race: Black women have higher risk of heart disease than white women. Compared to white women, African-American women are more likely to die of heart attack.

5. Ethnicity: African or South Asian people are more likely to have diabetes and high blood pressure and therefore are at high risk of heart disease and stroke than general population.

6. Prior stroke: Women who have had a heart attack are at greater risk of having another attack.

Risk factors of heart disease that you can control:

7. High blood cholesterol: It is a major risk factor of heart disease and also increases the occurrence of stroke. Research showed that women have high blood cholesterol when compared to men from age 55 onwards.

High LDL cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart disease and heart attack, whereas high HDL cholesterol levels decrease the risk.

8. Physical activity: Lack of exercise is a risk factor for heart disease and also increases the risk of heart attack. Inactive and dull women are at high risk of heart disease than active women.

Also, overeating can lead to high levels of blood cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure and finally increase the risk of heart disease and heat attack.

9. Diabetes: Diabetic adults are 2-4 times at higher risk of heart disease when compared to adults without diabetes. Often diabetics have high cholesterol and blood pressure and are overweight keeping them at higher risk.

10. Tobacco smoke: Smoking is the major cause of cardiovascular disease among women. Smoking women are at high risk of ischemic stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Also, smoking women who use birth control pills are even at greater risk of stroke.

11. High blood pressure: It is the major risk factor for stroke. Obese women who have family history of high blood pressure, take birth control pills and enter into menopause are at high risk of heart disease.

12. Obesity: High fat levels, particularly if they are located in the waist area can keep you at greater risk for heart disease.

13. Depression: Depression is twice as common in women as in men. It increases the risk of heart disease by two to three times when compared to women who are not depressed.

14. Excessive alcohol consumption: Moderate drinking can decrease the risk of heart disease, but drinking excessively and binge drinking can make you obese and increase triglyceride levels and finally lead to heart attack.

15. High levels of triglycerides: It is a type of fat in your body. High triglyceride levels indicate that you have high LDL levels and low HDL levels thus keeping you at risk of heart disease.

16. Stress: Stress also has a major role in the development of heart disease. High stress levels can make you to develop unhealthy habits like overeating and smoking.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Good News For Diabetics!

There are many coffee and tea lovers. For some extent, it is good to drink coffee and tea, especially for diabetics. Coffee and tea protect you against the disease.

A recent study showed that drinking an extra cup of coffee or tea a day may reduce risk of type 2 diabetes by 7%.

People who consume three to four cups of coffee or tea a day are at 25% less risk when compared to those who drink between zero to two cups.

People who drink three to four cups of tea a day are at one fifth lower the risk of diabetes when compared to those who don’t drink tea. But, the study didn’t seem to be linked to caffeine.

Another Australian study conducted on 458,000 people showed that drinking three to four cups of decaffeinated coffee a day reduce the risk of diabetes by 33% than those who drank none.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Is Trichomoniasis Curable?

Trichomoniasis is the most common STD in women when compared to men. Also it is the most common curable STD in young and sexually active women.

Approximately 174 million people throughout the world are infected with this parasite each year.

Trichomoniasis is mainly due to single celled protozoan parasite named as trichomonas vaginalis. Vagina is the most common infected area in women.

This parasite is transmitted during the sexual intercourse or vulva-to-vulva contact with an infected partner.

Up to one third of the infected women have no symptoms, however the most common signs and symptoms of trichomoniasis that you experience include: frothy, yellow-green vaginal discharge with a strong odor.

This infection can also lead to pain during sex, painful urination, itching and irritation of the genital tract, excess of white blood cells seen on a wet mount preparation of vaginal discharge, and vaginal pH above 5.

During certain instances, you can experience lower abdominal pain. Usually, these signs and symptoms appear within 5-28 days after exposure to the parasite.

Pregnant women with trichomoniasis can give birth to low birth weight babies and also premature births. During certain cases, you may experience infection or rupture of the placenta.

Genital inflammation caused by trichomoniasis can increase your susceptibility to HIV if you are exposed to the virus.

Usually, treatment for trichomoniasis includes antibiotics such as metronidazole or tinidazole prescribed by your doctor. People taking them should avoid alcohol immediately after treatment, because a chemical reaction causing nausea and vomiting can result.

Side effects of these drugs include: headaches, abdominal cramping and nausea. In some rare cases, Seizures and neurological disorders can result.

Also, there are some alternative therapies available, but there is no rigorous scientific evidence that support the use of these therapies.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Osteoporosis Drugs Reduces Breast Cancer Risk!

A recent study conducted at New York stated that women who are taking common class of drugs such as bisphosphonates for osteoporosis are significantly at reduced risk of breast cancer than women who are not using the bone-strengthening pills.

Now you can find Fosamax in the form of alendronate. Some other most commonly used medicines from the same class include Actonel and Roche's Boniva. Women who were taking bisphosphonates are one-third less likely to develop breast cancer than women who do not take them.

Drugs, such as Fosamax and Boniva, are some of the most popular drugs for women to help prevent bone loss, but a government health study found those taking the drugs for osteoporosis were also 32 percent less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Researchers said that the medications used for osteoporosis may make it more difficult for
tumors to develop.

Friday, December 11, 2009

10 Endometriosis Natural Treatment Options!

Endometriosis is a chronic, often painful condition, in which the tissue that lines the uterus, also called as endometrium starts growing outside of the uterus.

Most often, these tissues grow on ovaries, fallopian tubes, pelvic lining or in some rare cases outside of the pelvic area.

If you are experiencing pelvic pain or painful periods, it is essential to consult your doctor and get proper diagnosis.

Here are few endometriosis natural treatment options:

1. Endometriosis natural treatment – Foods to avoid

Women who want to avoid surgery or using hormones can try various endometriosis natural treatment options.

Still it is not certain that which hormones can cause endometriosis.

But, researchers found that woman’s reproductive hormones such as estrogen and progesterone play a major role in developing endometriosis.

So, it is essential to avoid some foods to maintain proper balance between these two hormones. In place of them, it is best to add organic foods. You need to consume foods such as: all dairy products, red meat, processed or prepared foods, excessive salt, wheat, coffee, soy, tea, farmed fish or shellfish and sodas.

2. Endometriosis natural treatment – Reduce chemical intake

Studies showed that chronic exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and environmental toxins are associated with increased risk of endometriosis. Reducing high fat diet is one of the ways to reduce the chemical intake. Increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Follow a whole food diet, being mindful of carbohydrates, to support healthy insulin metabolism and thereby support overall hormonal balance. This includes limiting alcohol intake.

3. Endometriosis natural treatment – Fruits, vegetables and flaxseeds

Studies proved that a set of plant chemicals such as flavones can reduce aromatase, which is the enzyme that converts androgens into estrogens. Some good sources of flavones include: celery and parsley.

Cauliflower, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and bok choy are high sources of indoles that help to improve estrogen metabolism. Onions and pineapple help reduce inflammation; garlic lessens inflammation and fights fatigue, as well.

Flaxseeds are good sources of fiber and lignans that are very helpful for estrogen related conditions.

4. Endometriosis natural treatment – Omega-3 fatty acids

Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include: sardines, salmon, anchovies, and mackerel. You can also get them in the form of fish oil capsules. Studies proved that omega-3 fatty acids are very helpful for women with endometriosis.

Compounds such as EPA and DHA in fish oil can greatly help to reduce the pain by decreasing levels of inflammatory chemical called as prostaglandin E2. Also, fish oils slow down the growth of endometrial tissue.

5. Endometriosis natural treatment – Vitamins

Most of the patients with endometriosis are suggested to take multivitamins with mineral supplements every day. Consume fiber rich foods along with:
  • 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C each day, divided into three doses

  • 400 to 800 I.U. of vitamin E daily

  • At least 50 mg per day of the B vitamins

  • Supplement with phytotherapy to gently normalize hormone levels
6. Endometriosis natural treatment – Juice therapy

Try juice therapy. Dark grape, mango, papaya and pineapple juices are recommended. These are helpful to reduce the discomfort associated with endometriosis.

7. Endometriosis natural treatment – Ice pack

Apply an ice pack or a heating pad on your lower abdomen area to reduce the pelvic pain and various other discomforts of endometriosis.

8. Endometriosis natural treatment – Green tea

Drink green tea to reduce nausea that occurs with endometriosis

9. Endometriosis natural treatment – Reduce stress

Increased stress levels can increase a hormone called as cortisone, which decreases the levels of progesterone thus leading to hormone imbalance. Take vitamin B, C, zinc and magnesium to balance cortisone. You can also practice stress reduction techniques such as yoga, relaxation techniques and deep breathing.

10. Endometriosis natural treatment – Progesterone cream

It helps to slow down the growth of endometrial tissue. It helps to reduce pelvic pain and period pain. Consult your doctor to know about the recommended dosage of progesterone cream.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

6 Essential FAQs About Endometrial Cancer!

Endometrial cancer is the cancer that develops in the tissue lining the uterus.

Most of the endometrial cancers are adenocarcinomas, a cancer that begin in cells that make release mucus and other fluids.

This is one of the most common cancers in American women.

Sometimes, endometrial cancer can also be referred as uterine cancer, however there are various other cells in your uterus that can become cancerous, such as myometrial and muscle cells.

Endometrial cancer can be detected very easily, because it causes vaginal bleeding in between your menstrual periods or even after the menopause. If the cancer is detected early, surgical removal of uterus can eliminate the cancer completely.

1. What causes endometrial cancer?

Usually, healthy cells can grow and divide in an orderly manner for proper functioning of your body. But, sometimes, these cells become mutate and grow out of control. The process of cell division continues even it is not necessary. Sometimes, these abnormal cells can become infected and destroy nearby tissues. They also spread to various other body parts and start going there.

The main reason for the growth of these cells is still unknown, but researchers believe that abnormal levels of estrogen play a role in the development of endometrial cancer.

2. What are the symptoms of endometrial cancer?

Postmenopausal women are at greater risk of developing endometrial cancer. The first sign to observe is abnormal vaginal bleeding. Here are symptoms of endometrial cancer that you experience:
  • Pelvic pain

  • Bleeding after menopause

  • Pain during intercourse

  • Unexpected weight loss

  • Prolonged or bleeding between the menstrual periods

  • Abnormal and nonbloody discharge from the vagina

  • Difficult or painful urination
3. What are the risk factors of endometrial cancer?

Usually, women produce two hormones called estrogen and progesterone. Each month, the balance between these two hormones alters. If the balance slightly changes and causes more estrogen production, then it stimulates the growth of the endometrium, which is a major cause to develop endometrial cancer.

Here are some risk factors for endometrial cancer:
  • Menstruation for too many years –That is menstruation started before the age of 12 or menopause began too late.

  • Not having been pregnant

  • Obesity

  • Irregular ovulation

  • Diabetes

  • Consuming high fat diet

  • Estrogen replacement therapy

  • Ovarian tumors

  • Women older than 55 years

  • Race – Black women are at greater risk of developing endometrial cancer

  • History of breast and ovarian cancers
4. How to diagnose endometrial cancer?

Your doctor will perform a physical and pelvic examination. If your doctor feels any lumps or alterations in the uterus size, then there can be a problem. Here are various tests performed to detect endometrial cancer:

Endometrial biopsy: During this procedure a cell sample or tissue from uterine lining is taken from inside of your uterus for laboratory analysis.

Pap smear: A cell sample from your cervix is taken for observation. Usually pap smear is performed to detect cervical cancer.

Transvaginal ultrasound: This test helps to observe the lining and thickness of the endometrium, by inserting a transducer into your vagina.

Dilation and curettage: During the procedure, tissue is scraped from the lining of your uterus and examined under a microscope for cancer cells.

You will need to undergo some more tests, to detect cancer in other parts of the body. They include: chest X-ray, CT scan and blood test.

5. How does the condition treated?

Surgery is the most common treatment. Your doctor recommends either surgical removal of the uterus or surgical removal of uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Also, it is essential to remove lymph nodes including other tissue samples.

If you have severe form of endometrial cancer or cancer that spread to various other body parts, then you need to undergo more treatments. They include: radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and chemotherapy.

6. How to prevent the condition?

Most of this cancer cases can’t be prevented, but there are certain ways that decrease the risk of developing the cancer.

Usage of birth control pills – Women who take oral contraceptives for longer years are at decreased risk of developing endometrial cancer.

Undergoing hormone therapy along with progesterone – As estrogen stimulates cancer growth, taking progestine can cause the lining of the uterus to shed. This type of combination therapy lowers your risks, but not all the effects of hormone therapy are positive.

Maintain balanced weight – As obesity is one of the most common risk factors of endometrial cancer, maintaining healthy weight can decrease your risk.

Exercising – Women who exercise everyday are at half the risk of developing endometrial cancer than women who do not exercise.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Loneliness May Raise Breast Cancer Risk!

New research found that stress of loneliness increases the hormone levels that trigger the tumor growth which finally lead to cancer. So, to reduce the breast cancer risk, it is essential to reduce the feelings of loneliness.

As your stress levels raise, the levels of stress hormone called as corticosterone may get raised and finally it affects the cell growth and thus leading to tumors.

Overall, research in humans does not indicate that there is a direct link between stress and breast cancer. But it's possible that stressful situations could indirectly affect the risk of cancer by making people more likely to take up unhealthy behaviours that increase their risk.

Finally the study suggested that stress that come from isolation may increase the number of breast cancer tumors. So, to reduce the risk of breast cancer, reduce your stress levels as much as you can.

Monday, December 7, 2009

8 Diet Tips To Prevent Irregular Periods!

Irregular period or oligomenorrhea is a most common problem in many women. It may be either late period or early period. Also it may be bleeding between two periods.

The major cause of irregular periods is estrogen, but it may also be due to poor diet, hormonal imbalances, stress, too much weight loss or gain, usage of birth control pills or any other medical condition.

There are four types of irregular periods:
  • Shorter periods

  • Very light periods

  • Very heavy periods

  • Skipped or less frequent periods
Here are 10 diet tips that may help to prevent irregular period:

1. Try some juices:
  • If you are suffering from the problem of irregular periods, then try carrot juice for about 3-4 months. This is a natural way to regularize your periods.

  • Grape juice can also be beneficial.

  • Also, drinking 75 ml of parsley juice daily can prevent irregular periods.

  • Take juice of holy basil leaf with honey and black pepper powder twice a day for 4-6 weeks.

  • Grind dried almond peel, then mix with water and honey and drink for several days.
2. Omega-3 fatty acids:

This is the most preferred food for irregular periods. Food rich in Omega-3 fatty acid can help in promoting menstrual flow. It restores your irregular menstrual cycle. Various sources of omega-3 acids include: salmon, flax seed oil, herrings, mackerel, fish, etc.

3. Aloe vera:

Experts believe that aloe vera is a female tonic. The emmanagouge property of aloe vera can help to regulate your menstrual flow. Take Aloe Vera juice daily to help with your irregular periods.

4. Have some fenugreek seeds:

Fenugreek seeds are very helpful for menstruation related problems. You can also consider funnel seeds to relieve from menstrual problems.

5. Bamboo leaves:

Emmanagouge property of bamboo leaves can improve and promote menstrual flow. Not only these leaves can restore your normal menstrual cycle, but also they can relieve pain or discomfort during the periods. Made decoction with these leaves and take 2-3 times a day.

6. Drink more and more water:

Everyday drinking 8 glasses of water is essential. Water removes the wastages from your body thus keeping the whole system healthy and clean. It can put a positive effect on your menstrual cycle.

7. Don’t take foods that cause constipation

During the last week of your menstrual cycle, don’t take the foods that cause constipation such as sour foods, fried foods, spicy foods, protein rich pulses, etc. Also, avoid excess of sugar, caffeine, alcohol and other sweetened products.

8. Include these foods in your diet

Your diet should include foods like cucumber, drumsticks, pumpkin, papaya in liberal amount, dates, bitter gourd. Eating green unripe papaya can help you with delayed periods.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Ultrasound Along With Annual Mammograms!

Recent study conducted by Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) stated that adding ultrasound to annual mammograms helps to detect early stage breast cancer in women who are at higher risk developing the disease.

Instead of using mammography alone, using mammography along with physician-performed ultrasound annually for three years can help to find 29% of more breast cancers and 34% of more invasive cancers.

Study showed that when you undergo mammography along with ultrasound for only one time can increase the detection rate of early breast cancer by 4.2 per 1,000.

Also, the study said that most of the cancers determined with ultrasound were the small invasive cancers that are likely to spread and could ultimately kill a person.

Also using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can even increase the chances of detecting breast cancer during the initial stages only. MRI is even more sensitive when compared to ultrasound and mammogram.

But, the major drawback of including MRI or ultrasound to annual mammography was an increase in number of false positive results.

What Does A Missed Period Mean?

Several reasons can cause a woman to miss her period between the ages of puberty and menopause. But the most common cause for a missed period is an undiagnosed pregnancy.

When you consult your health care provider about missing the period, the very first thing he or she going to do is pregnancy test.

If the test result is negative, then there are various factors to take into consideration, such as: stress, medications, illnesses, increased physical activity, change in your eating habits, weight gain or loss. Any of the above changes can cause a woman to miss her period.

Anxiety and various other kinds of emotional stress can also take their toll on affecting a woman’s usual ovulation and menstruation.

Another factor that results in missed period is using steroidal oral contraceptives. Contraceptives are very low in estrogen content thus making the endometrial lining of your uterus to become thin.

As a result, your menstrual periods will become very light and also result in a skipped period. Contraceptive named as Depo-povera can stop having your periods altogether. Drugs like the pill, work by intentionally disrupting the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian hormonal balance and thereby suppress ovulation.

Some other causes include estrogen and progesterone imbalances, a malfunctioning corpulsteum, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, premature ovarian failure, and hyperprolactinemia.

Everybody should note that apart from pregnancy period, women may occasionally miss their periods. No need to worry, this is totally normal. If you miss 2 or more consecutive periods, then it is recommended to make an appointment with your doctor.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cervical Cancer Vaccination Is Available!

Recent studies showed that cervical cancer vaccination gives you protection against the virus for at least six years without any need of a booster.

Cervarix, the name of the cervical cancer vaccine protects you against the virus that causes 80% of the cancer. Girls of ages 12 and 13 are now being offered with the vaccine as an element of the Government’s plan to reduce the number of women developing cervical cancer.

Eight among ten girls are getting this offer. A recent study conducted which comparing the number of girls who are infected with HPV strains 16 and 18 and vaccinated with cervarix with the people who were not received the vaccine.

This vaccine protected these girls 100% from the HPV strains for about 6.4 years. This vaccine is safe to use. There is still study going on to confirm the long-term effects of the vaccine.

To achieve maximum benefits, girls need to be vaccinated before the sexual activity begins because the virus is passed on through intimate contact.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Emergency Contraception For Unwanted Pregnancy!

Discovering you are pregnant when you don’t want to be can be one of the most terrifying moments in your life.

Then various questions can pop in your mind, such as what to do, what are the options, should I keep the baby, should I give the baby for adoption or should I abort the baby?

If you want to abort the baby, then you can consider emergency contraception, also called as morning after pills.

It is a birth control method that prevents pregnancy after having sex, so it is called as “the morning after pill”.

You can use emergency contraception immediately or up to five days after having sex.

Emergency contraception makes much less likely you will become pregnant. But, they are not as effective as the birth control methods that are used before sex such as condoms or pills.

There are two kinds of emergency contraceptive pills. Both these pills have same type of hormones that a normal birth control pill contains. You can safely use emergency contraceptive pill if you miss your everyday birth control pills.

Types of emergency contraceptive pills:

1. The first kind of emergency contraceptive pills contain a hormone called as progestin. It is the only type of pill that is available in US, usually with a brand name called as Plan B.

Plan B and various other most popular emergency contraceptive pills can reduce your chance of getting pregnant by 89%. Even if you become pregnant, these pills are less likely to cause any side effects on your baby.

It doesn’t mean that 11% of women become pregnant by using these pills. It just means that, they prevent 89% of the pregnancies that would happen when you don’t use birth control or the contraception fails.

For example, if 100 women have unprotected sex in the second or third week of their menstrual cycle, then 8 women can become pregnant. If the same women use emergency contraception, only one can get pregnancy.

Plan B contains emergency contraceptive pills. Each pill contains 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel and you need to take these pill 12 hours apart. You can these emergency contraceptive pills within 72 hours after having sex. Simultaneously, you can also use your every day birth control pill.

Women of age 17 years or under should need prescription for plan B. even if you take both plan B pills at a time; it doesn’t decrease its effectiveness or increase the side effects. Not taking plan B pills within five days after having sex can cause you to become pregnant. These emergency contraceptive pills work much better the sooner you take after having sex.

2. The second kind of emergency contraceptive pills contain both progestin and estrogen hormone, so they can be also called as combined emergency contraceptive pills. These pills can reduce your chance of becoming pregnant by 75% and there is a great chance to experience side effects like nausea and vomiting.

For example, if 100 women have unprotected sex in the second or third week of their menstrual cycle, then 8 women can become pregnant. If those 100 women use combined emergency contraceptive pills, only two can get pregnancy.

When you take birth control pills as emergency contraception, you must take the pills in two doses and 12 hours apart. The number of pills in each dose depends on the brand of the pill you use. You must use the same brand of pill for each dose.

After you take emergency contraception, it's normal for your next period to be different from usual.
  • It may be earlier or later than usual.

  • It may be heavier, lighter, more spotty, or the same as usual.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Antiretroviral Drugs To Cut AIDS Risk!

Recent studies confirmed that taking antiretroviral drugs or ARVs can reduce the risk of AIDS transmission up to 5% or less from breast-feeding mother to child.

Also, latest studies stated that pregnant women who take ARVs as early as 14 weeks and continue throughout the breast-feeding period can lower the risk of AIDS transmission. These two recommendations are suggested by World Health Organization (WHO).

In earlier days, WHO recommended ARVs to pregnant women with HIV-positive during their third trimester at 28 weeks to reduce transmission of virus from mother to child.

Getting antiretroviral therapy for adolescents and adults can boost their immune system thus reducing the risk of HIV-related deaths and also reduces the transmission of virus and tuberculosis.

WHO recommended taking ARVs during breast-feeding period can improve your child’s chances of survival.

An estimated 33.4 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, with some 2.7 million new infections each year. Worldwide, HIV/AIDS is the most leading cause of death among the women in their reproductive age. Worldwide, about 45% of the pregnant women are now getting treatment to avoid the passage of HIV on to their children.

Does Obesity Cut Your Lifespan?

Researchers said that your lifespan could be shrinking in proportions to your growing waistline.

Obese people die ten years before they should. Also, moderate obesity cuts your lifespan by three years.

Studies showed that people with BMI of 30-35 will die three before than they should and people with BMI of 40-45 will die ten years before.

If you are becoming obese or overweight, it is advised to avoid further weight gain for adding years to your life. Studies said that people should put a conscious effort against piling on the pounds, which most often happens between 25-50 years of life.

Obesity is linked with high risk of heart disease and stroke. According to the international BMI scale, BMI above 25 is considered as overweight and above 30 is considered as obese.

Even you have low BMI, having high body fat can also cut your lifespan. It is found that death ratio is lowest in those who were on the high part of obesity on the normal range and had a BMI from 23-24.

Also, studies showed that people with BMIs less than 22.5 have a higher risk of during than those who weighed slightly more, largely because of respiratory illnesses, such as lung cancer. The researchers say this is probably the result of skinny people who were smokers.

Monday, November 30, 2009

15 Tips To Beat Menopause Hot Flashes!

Menopause is the stage that every woman needs to go through it and during this stage you won’t get your periods.

Most of the women will ask a question that what symptoms they might experience during this phase.

Generally, menopause symptoms greatly vary from one woman another.

Some women may experience insomnia as a major symptom, some experience severe back pain and some others experience menopause hot flashes.

We are not always certain which symptoms of menopause will strike your life.

Here are 15 tips that can help you to reduce the severity of menopause hot flashes:

1. Dietary triggers: There are several triggers that can increase the severity of menopause hot flashes. They include: caffeine, alcohol, diet pills, cayenne and spicy foods. If the severity of hot flashes becomes more when you consume these foods, it is suggested to eliminate them from your diet.

2. Exercise: You should have at least 30 minutes exercise daily whether it may be in the form of walking, running, bicycle riding or any other activity that make you work. Don’t do any exercise at least 3 hours before going to bed, as it can increase the severity of night sweats.

3. Hormone replacement therapy: This therapy includes estrogen replacement to provide relief from menopause hot flashes. But, estrogen has been associated with some medical risks and should be taken sparingly. Before undergoing estrogen replacement therapy, make sure to understand both the risks and benefits.

4. Soy: Research showed that including soy in your diet can reduce menopause hot flashes and also various other symptoms. Take soy most from your foods but not from soy supplements. Food sources of soy include: tempeh, soy milk, texturized vegetable protein, tofu, miso, whole soybeans, and soy powder.

5. Natural progesterone: Research found that progesterone give you relief menopause hot flashes and various other menopausal symptoms. You can find natural progesterone in the form of over-the-counter cream, capsules, compound prescription cream or in traditional prescription such as Prometrium.

6. Black cahosh: This is the most popular alternative for reducing menopause hot flashes. Not only hot flashes, also has this herb helped to relieve anxiety, heart palpitations and headaches.

7. Effexor: This is an anti-depressant helps to reduce menopause hot flashes in women taking breast cancer treatment. This medicine works well for women with breast cancer, so it is a best choice for women who don’t want to seek hormone replacement therapy.

8. Gabapentin: This drug helps to relieve migraine headaches. Research proved that this drug also help to relieve hot flashes to some extent.

9. Vitamin E: Research showed that vitamin E helps reduce the occurrence and severity of hot flashes and night sweats during menopause.

10. Antidepressants: Low-dose antidepressant medication may help forestall a hot flash by rebalancing or intercepting the chemicals in the brain that transmit the hot flash alarm, epinephrine and serotonin.

11. Acupuncture: This alternative treatment helps to move your inner wind, energy, or spirit. This treatment is helpful to reduce your hot flashes.

12. Relaxation and stress reduction: Relaxation and stress reduction can lower menopause hot flashes to some extent. Follow any of the techniques such as massaging, meditation, yoga, visualization, biofeedback technique, breathing exercises, and relaxation exercises.

13. Life style factors: Changing your lifestyle habits can have a positive impact on your life. Not only they can help to reduce menopause hot flashes, but also help to reduce fatigue, mood swings, loss of libido, insomnia, elevated cholesterol levels, muscle health, heart health, and bone health.

14. Fluid: Increase the intake of fluids than the usual. Drink lots of water and juices.

15. Hot conditions: Hot weathers even increase the severity of hot flashes. So, reduce hot foods, hot rooms, hot baths, hot tubs, and hot beds. Wear cotton clothes that allow your skin to breathe.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Importance Of Homeopathy For Women’s Health!

Homeopathy is a form of complementary and alternative medicine which contains few to no pharmacologically active ingredients.

Essentially, Homeopathy is completely natural and organic herbal ingredients in most cases.

Homeopathy may give you good health in all stages of life from infancy through old age.

Homeopathy gives you good emotional, physical and mental healthy. It aids through the transitional and developmental milestones of your life.

Homeopathy during teenage:

During the teenage, homeopathy can help with various hormone changes of puberty and acne break outs that most of the people experience at this time. Moreover, homeopathy helps with the emotional disturbances that frequently occur during the transition of little girl to womanhood.

When you are treated with homeopathy for pre-menstrual syndrome, the practitioner considers the most appropriate remedy that helps in relieving the symptoms like breast tenderness, irritability, fluid retention, mood swings and headaches.

Homeopathy during conception:

When you are trying to conceive or problems in conceiving, homeopathy helps you to some extent. During pregnancy, homeopathy helps with the symptoms like depression, nausea and morning sickness.

Homeopathy treats illnesses during pregnancy and makes you healthy to deliver a healthy baby and the baby free from any inherited diseases. Also, homeopathy helps you during the process of childbirth.

Homeopathy after childbirth:

Homeopathy helps women to overcome from the severe effects of difficult birth, hysterectomy, abortion, and also the use of contraceptive pills.

Homeopathy during menopause:

Homeopathy is extremely beneficial to women during menopause. Homeopathic remedies help women pass through this transition with relative ease. These remedies help to heal menopause symptoms like lack of energy, hot flashes, weepiness, insomnia, night sweats, and anxiety. These symptoms gradually disappear in such a subtle fashion that the person is unaware of how they passed.

Homeopathy works by stimulating the body's healing system to regain a sense of balance, problems involving hormonal imbalances respond well to homeopathic treatment. Problems associated with menstrual cycles, hormone imbalances, and pre-menstrual syndrome can be treated with homeopathy.

Fibroids can also be treated with homeopathy. For some women, homeopathy prevents the need of hysterectomy.

Along with the above conditions, homeopathy helps to treat conditions like: irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, gallstones, respiratory ailments, migraines, cystitis, fatigue, hay fever, depression and anxiety.

But, pregnant women while taking homeopathic remedies, consult the practitioner about their safety during pregnancy. Some may recommend homeopathy during pregnancy for heartburn, hemorrhoids and constipation.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

10 Steps To Do Self Breast Exam!

Every woman should know about the benefits and limitations of breast self-examination.

It is essential to know how your breasts normally look and feel.

Don’t forget to report to your health care professions, if you observe any new breast changes.

Identifying a breast changes doesn’t necessarily mean there is a cancer.

You can easily recognize changes of your breasts:
  • If you know how your breasts normally look and feel

  • If you have proper breast awareness

  • If you make a step-by-step approach for breast self-exam

  • If you use a specific schedule for examining your breasts
It is best to exam your breasts if they are not tender or swollen. Women who want to do breast self-examination should know the technique during the periodic health exams by your health care provider.

Women who had breast implantation can also do breast self examination. With the help of your practitioner, identify the edges of implants so that you can easily identify what you are feeling. Pregnant or breast-feeding women can also choose self examination of breasts.
Step-by-step approach for breast self-examination:
  1. Breast examination can be performed while you are lying down. Lie down on your back by placing your right arm behind the head. While lying down, your breast tissues spread evenly across the chest area and is very thin thus making it easy to feel all the breast tissues.

  2. Use left hand to test your right breast. With the helps of finger pads of your three middle fingers, feel for any lumps in your breast. Moving the fingers in circular motion can make it easy to fell all the breast tissues.

  3. You need to apply pressure of three different levels. Apply light pressure in order to feel the tissues closer to your skin. Use medium pressure to feel the tissues little deeper and rigid pressure to feel the tissues very closer to ribs and chest.

  4. At the lower curve of each breast, you may feel a firm ridge. But, no need to worry, it is normal. Apart from this, if you find anything else, make sure that you tell your doctor.

  5. If you can not apply the pressure properly and unable to check your breast, ask your doctor or nurse for suggestions. Make sure that you apply each pressure level properly.

  6. Move the hand around your breast in an up and down pattern starting at an imaginary line drawn straight down your side from the underarm and moving across the breast to the middle of the chest bone. Make sure that you check total breast region until you identify only ribs and up to the neck or collarbone.

  7. Research proved that up-and-down pattern can be the most popular choice to test your entire breast and to not to miss any tissue.

  8. Use the same procedure to test your left breast with right hand finger pads and keeping left hand behind your head.

  9. You can also test your breast while standing. Stand in front of the mirror by pressing your hands hardly down on the hips. Then observe the shape, size, dimpling or contour, scaliness, or redness of the nipples or breast skin.

  10. Also, you can exam your underarms when you are sitting up or standing. Raise the arm slightly so that you can easily feel the area. If you raise your arm straight, the tissues of the region become tight and it is harder to examine.
These steps can greatly help you for breast self examination. Applying the properly and regularly can increase your ability to detect the abnormal areas of the breast. Early detection breast abnormalities can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Benefits Of HRT During Menopause!

HRT or hormone replacement therapy, a treatment used to replace the hormones, which your body can no longer produce because of menopause.

In this therapy, the hormones that can be replaced include estrogen and progesterone.

The average age at which menopause can strike your life is 52 years, but some can experience menopause during their 30s only.

Role of estrogen hormone: Estrogen can be used to encourage the release of eggs. If your body can not release the eggs, it means that there is no more estrogen hormone in your body.

Also, estrogen helps to perform various bodily functions such as bone density, temperature of your skin and also vaginal lubrication.

Estrogen deficiency can greatly linked to various other health problems such as:
  • Vaginal dryness

  • Hot flashes

  • Lack of sex drive

  • Joint pain

  • Back pain

  • Mood changes like depression or irritability

  • Night sweats

  • Thinning of the bone that can lead to osteoporosis
Role of progesterone: Major function of progesterone hormone is to get ready for the possible pregnancy. Also, progesterone helps to protect the womb lining.

Deficiency of progesterone can increase the risk of cancer of the uterine lining, which is called as endometrial cancer. So, progesterone can be used in combination with estrogen.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

8 Diabetes Dangers For Women!

Nowadays, diabetes has become a common condition for several women.

Having blood glucose levels more than the usual range specify that you are with diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes is of three types, such as type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Diabetes looses the ability of your immune system to convert the food into energy.

Type 2 diabetes can occur at any age and even in the childhood also.

Here are the effects of diabetes on your health:

1. Diabetes and menstrual cycle

During your menstrual cycle, you body undergoes various hormonal changes. These hormonal changes can greatly affect your blood sugar levels. When there are high estrogen levels, your body is resistant to its own insulin or injected insulin.

Usually women have high blood sugar 3-5 days before their menstrual cycle i.e. a week prior to ovulation. Once your period starts, your blood glucose levels will naturally fall down. This fluctuation is due to the increase in estrogen and progesterone levels, which greatly interfere with insulin activity.

Premenstrual symptoms become worse with poor blood sugar control. Young women with cycles of more than 40 days or cycles that were too irregular to estimate were found to be twice as likely to develop diabetes as those with normal cycles.

2. Diabetes and sex life

A new study conducted recently said that diabetes can cause women sexual dysfunction. All women have some kind of sexual health problems. Sexual problems occur in same rate in women with type 1 diabetes as women without diabetes. But the problems are severe in women with type 2 diabetes. Here are some of the sexual health problems:
  • Vaginal dryness: Vaginal lubrication decreases with low hormone levels, damage to the blood vessels, or nerve damage. Age, pregnancy, medications and stress can also reduce vaginal lubrication.

  • Yeast infection: High glucose levels in your blood increases the fungus called as yeast around your vaginal area. If the condition is not treated, then it can lead to severe urinary tract infection.
3. Diabetes and birth control

You will find various types of birth control methods. The risk of blood clotting is higher for women with type 2 diabetes who use oral contraceptives.

The risk of blood clots can also increases if you don’t exercise, are overweight, smoke, have high blood pressure or high levels of cholesterol.

So, women with any of these risk factors should choose low dose oral contraceptives.

4. Diabetes and menopause

Women with type 1 diabetes enter into menopause stage earlier than women without. But, women with type 2 enter into menopause stage later than normal women. Women with diabetes can experience major hormonal changes.

These hormonal fluctuations can cause women to suffer from mood changes, menstrual periods that are more or less frequent, greater PMS symptoms, lighter or heavier blood flow during menstrual cycle.

Women with type 1 diabetes can experience hypoglycemia as the first sign that indicate that hormonal levels are decreasing and it is essential for insulin adjustment. Women with type 2 diabetes experience major weight gain and greater increase in blood glucose levels.

5. Diabetes and eyesight

Nowadays, diabetes is the leading cause of blindness. About 10% of women with diabetes are blind. Recent research showed that more Americans than ever are facing the threat of blindness.

6. Diabetes and other health conditions

Also, there are various ways in which diabetes affects a woman’s life. Diabetes can cause a woman to enter into coma, nerve damage, hypertension, stroke, and urinary tract infection.

7. Diabetes and reproductive problems

Diabetes can cause various reproductive abnormalities in women. Among which the most serious effects of diabetes is on fertility. Diabetes can lead to miscarriage and polycystic ovary syndrome.

5% of all pregnancies in United States experience gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes can lead to high blood pressure, bladder infection, birth defects, premature delivery, spontaneous abortion, kidney and urinary tract infection.

8. Diabetes and heart disease

Heart disease is the most common threat of diabetes in both women and men. It is estimated that 45% of women with diabetes have heart disease. Women with heart disease have poorer prognosis than men.

After suffering from a heart attack, women are at higher risk of dying or having another heart attack.

Is It Normal To Bleed After Sex?

No, it is not normal and should be checked out. But, this condition is not necessarily a sign of cancer.

Bleeding after sex can happen if your sexual experience was rough or exuberant.

Also, there are some medical causes that can lead to bleeding after sex.

Vaginal bleeding after sex can be due to the conditions like:

Chlamydia – A sexually transmitted infection most commonly occurs through sexual activity or contact with semen, vaginal fluid or blood.

Cervical dysplasia – Precancerous changes that occur in epithelial cells, which line the cervix.

Risk is high in women who have multiple sex partners, childbirth before the age of 16 years, or a past history of STDs.

Cervical polyps – They are red, smooth and finger like growths that appear on the mucus layer of cervix. They are extremely fragile and spread out of your cervix also.

Cervical ectropion – A condition in which cervical tissues are more susceptible to abrasion.

Endometriosis – This is inflammation of endometrium, which is the inner most layer of your uterus.

Vaginal yeast infection – It is due to abnormal growth of fungus in your vaginal area. It causes burning, itching and white, odorless and cheese like discharge.

Gonorrhea – An STD that is due to bacteria. There are various treatments available for this condition.

Trichomoniasis – An STD caused by protozoan. This condition can also be transmitted to the newborns during vaginal birth. Also, it can cause vaginitis.

Uterine polyps – Polyps in your uterus can greatly cause various conditions such as bleeding between periods, spotting, bleeding after sex, bleeding after menopause and menorrhea.

Fibroid tumors – They are usually benign tumors. Symptoms vary from one woman to another. In some women fibroids can disappear on their own after entering into menopause state. It is important that women who have fibroids should avoid estrogen therapy or any other form of birth control pills.

Vaginitis – An inflammation or swelling of your vagina. This condition can also be called as cervicitis.

Cervical erosion - It is the most common cause of bleeding after sex. This is an inflamed area on the surface of the cervix. Sex can cause it to start bleeding. Cervical erosion is the most commonly observed condition in young girls, pregnant women and women on the birth control pills. This is harmless and most often it disappears on its own. This condition can be easily treatable with cryotherapy, which is freezing the area under local anesthesia.

Drugs - Sometimes, aspirin, birth control pills or blood thinning drugs can lead to post sex bleeding. Abnormal cell changes in the cervix and certain blood disease can lead to bleeding after sex.

Vaginal dryness – It is the main cause of bleeding after sex, your doctor prescribes estrogen therapy and over-the-counter water based lubricants or moisturizers.

Treatment for this condition depends on the underlying cause of the bleeding.

Friday, November 20, 2009

How AIDS Affect Women Different From Men?

Do you know that 30.8 million adults around the world are living with HIV and AIDS among which half are women?

The main reason behind AIDS is damage to the natural defenses against the disease because of HIV.

HIV is a virus that infects the cells, which are responsible to make up the human body and replicate within those cells.

HIV greatly damages the immune system, which is mainly responsible for protecting your body against the diseases.

Particularly HIV attacks a special type of immune system cells known as CD4 lymphocytes. HIV makes you to become ill more and more often several years after getting infected.

AIDS one of the particular stages of HIV infection. AIDS can be noticeable when the number of cells in your body drops below a certain level.

If you don’t receive any drug treatment for HIV infection, it ultimately leads to AIDS in about 10 years. This period depends on the diet that you are having. Malnutrition can cause well progression of AIDS and also death.

Taking antiretroviral medications can prolong the period between the HIV infection and AIDS. Also, combination therapy works effectively and a person with HIV can live long time before it becomes AIDS.

AIDS in women:

AIDS epidemic has a unique impact on women. Usually, women are at greater risk of heterosexual transmission of HIV. Studies showed that women are at twice the risk of infecting with HIV when compared to men.

The percentage of women living with HIV/AIDS greatly varies among various regions of the world. Areas like Europe and Oceania, there is relatively low percentage of people infected with HIV. But, in areas like sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean, percentage of people with HIV is significantly higher.

In United States Hispanic women and African American women account for 80% of AIDS cases. Almost, men and women tend to suffer from very similar AIDS related conditions and symptoms. But, there are few variations between men and women when comes to opportunistic infections and antiretroviral medications.

Opportunistic infections that are affecting the women include: pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), cancerous changes in the cervix and recurrent vaginal yeast infection.

Also, the side effects of antiretroviral medications can vary from men to women. For example, Nevirapine is a drug used to prevent transmission of HIV from mother to child and also it is used in combination therapy to prevent HIV/AIDS.

Sometimes, it can also cause some sever side effects such as liver toxicity and skin rash, which can lead to life-threatening action.

There are various preventive technologies that can benefit you in preventing HIV.

1. Female condom

It is the only HIV prevention method presently available for women. They can greatly help you to protect yourself from becoming infected against HIV infection if used consistently and correctly.

2. Antiretroviral drugs

The drug named as post-exposure prophylaxis helps to decrease the possibility of infection after the exposure to HIV.

3. Vaginal gel or cream

Vaginal gel or cream named as Microbicide applied around the vagina can help you protect against HIV.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What Your Lupus Type Is?

Are you with lupus? Want to know what is your lupus type?

Lupus, an auto immune disease causes various tissues in the body to become inflamed.

Autoimmune disease means that a person’s immune system, which produces antibodies to fight against illness causing viruses or bacteria, mistakenly attacks the healthy body tissues.

Lupus can be mild or life-threatening depending on which tissues are affected. It can affect people of all ages and the definite cause of lupus is unknown.

Which body parts are more susceptible to affect with lupus?

Lupus can affect any part of your body. For instance,
  • Lupus on skin causes inflammation, rash, body and mouth ulcers

  • Lupus on the scalp can lead to hair loss

  • Lupus affecting your joints can cause swelling and pain

  • Inflammation of any organ like kidney can affect the functioning of kidney

  • Swelling of the lining of your heart or lung can cause chest pain
There are four types of lupus, such as:
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus

  • Drug induced lupus

  • Discoid lupus

  • Neonatal lupus
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): This is the most common and also serious type of lupus. This form of lupus can affect any organ or system of the body.

But in most of the patients only skin and joints are affected. This condition is called as minor organ threatening lupus. In some others, SLE can affect heart, lungs, kidneys, brain and blood vessels. Lupus affecting the brain is a major organ threatening lupus.

SLE can cause variety of unspecific symptoms that range from mild to severe. Lupus symptoms are different from one person to another, so diagnosing the condition is very difficult. In addition, SLE requires enduring combination treatment.

Drug induced lupus: This is a transient form that occurs due to a reaction to some medications. It disappears when you stop the causative drugs. Symptoms of this lupus are very similar to SLE, such as rash, arthritis, strange fever, coronary and pulmonary infection.

The most common drugs that cause drug induced lupus include: hydralazine (Apresoline), phenytoin (Dilantin), methyldopa (Aldomet), quinidine (Quinaglute), isoniazid (INH), carbamazepine (Tegretol) and procainamide (Procan).

Discoid lupus: Also called as chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus, generally appears as a red scaly rash on sun-exposed areas like arms, face, legs, scalp, or trunk. Generally, discoid lupus is milder than systemic lupus. It can be diagnosed by its appearance and by skin biopsy.

In rare cases, people with discoid lupus can also develop SLE. But people with discoid lupus have their condition confined to the skin only.

Neonatal lupus: It is a rare condition that affects infants of women who have lupus and is caused by certain antibodies from the mother acting upon the infant in the womb.

During the birth time, your infant may have liver problem, skin rash or low blood cell counts. Usually these symptoms will go away within several months after the birth.

Some newborns with lupus can have serious heart defect. Undergoing proper testing can help to identify the condition before or after the birth.

Subacute cutaneous lupus is another milder form of lupus that causes skin rashes, sun sensitivity and joint aches.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

8 Most Common Causes Of Yeast Infection!

Yeast is a fungus i.e. scientifically called as candida.

The type of fungus i.e. most commonly responsible for yeast infection is candida albicans.

Normally, yeast is found on our skin and in areas of moisture such as vagina and mouth.

Researches showed that 20-50% of women carry yeast in their vagina.

There is treatment readily available for yeast infection, both over-the-counter and also alternative and drug-free treatments.

There are various causes result in yeast infection, they include:

1. Douching

All the healthy women have bacteria and various other organisms in the vagina. These organisms and the normal acidity of the vagina prevent overgrowth of some specific organisms thus leading to begin symptoms of vaginal infection.

Douching upsets the normal environment of the vagina thus leading to inflammation and imbalances in the organisms of the vagina. Often, this condition leads to symptoms like discomfort and chronic vaginal discharge.

So, you should avoid douching unless it is prescribed by your doctor. Every woman’s body has the natural ability to clean the vaginal canal. Douching won’t give you any health benefits and it actually worsens your vaginal symptoms.

2. Medications that contain steroids

Steroid medications are strongly correlated with increase candida yeast infection rates. These medications increase glucose levels in the blood.

Increase in sugar levels can change natural environment of the vagina thus increasing yeast proliferation levels. So, only use steroids when they are prescribed by your doctor.

3. Usage of antibiotics

Usage of antibiotics can alter the delicate balance of your vagina and suppress some of the good bacteria that put yeast infection under control. Whenever the good bacteria are suppressed, yeast levels rapidly increase and lead to infection.

If you are using any antibiotics, it is better to talk to your doctor to know the best course of treatment.

4. Risk of diabetes or having high blood sugar levels

Diabetics are at higher risk of contracting yeast infection. Increase in blood sugar levels multiplies the yeast bacteria thus leading to yeast infection. Sugars such as glucose and glycogen provide basis for yeast to grow. Sometimes, having yeast infection means that your diabetes is not under control.

5. Birth control pills or any other forms of hormonal contraceptives

Usage of birth control pills can cause cervical changes and increased vaginal discharge. You seem to have either or both of them. So, it is better to choose birth control pills that have lower levels of hormones.

6. Regularly wearing tight pants or pantyhose

Wearing tight pants make it hard for your body to breathe. It is very difficult for the areas like mouth and vagina. If you already have yeast infection, it will become further irritated by wearing tight, synthetic undies, stockings, pants, etc.

7. Menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle keeps you at higher risk of yeast infection because at this time hormonal changes are greater, which disturbs good bacteria at the vaginal area making the infection more severe.

8. Pregnancy

Pregnancy can greatly trigger the yeast infection other than normal conditions. Particularly during the second trimester, you will notice an increased amount of thick, white and odd smelling discharge.

Pregnancy is the period for hormonal changes, so it is difficult for your body to maintain the normal chemical changes at the vaginal area thus causing an imbalance, which results in too much fungus.

Pap Smear To Detect Cervical Cancer!

Are you in fear of having cervical cancer? Then consider Pap smear to confirm it.

Pap smear, also called as Pap test is an invasive procedure to test for the presence of cervical cancer.

This procedure involves collecting cells from your cervix at the lower and narrow end of the uterus.

Early detection of cervical cancer with Pap smear gives you greater chance for cure. Cell changes in your cervix can also be detected with Pap smear because cell changes indicate a sign of cervical cancer in the future.

Usually, Pap smear is done in conjunction with pelvic examination. During pelvic examination, your doctor tests your external genitals, uterus, vagina, rectum and ovaries.

Who should receive Pap smear?

Every woman must get Pap smear regularly throughout her lifetime. You should have your first time pap smear by the period you turn 18.

Sexually active women before the age of 18 years should consider the test even earlier. You should get the test every year or for every six years if the results are positive for abnormal cells.
Even after entering into the menopausal stage, you should consider Pap test. Certain women should be very careful in scheduling Pap smear.

Women with HIV are at greater risk of growing cervical cancer and various other cervical irregularities. Women who undergone hysterectomy should also consider Pap smear every year.

What Pap smear procedure consists of?

This is a quick and simple practice that takes few minutes. During the procedure:
  • You need to lie down on an examination table keeping your feet in the stirrups or resting closer to your bottom.

  • Knees will be bent outwards in order to expose your vagina.

  • The surgeon inserts a speculum in the vagina. This instrument helps to keep your vaginal passage open for some time.

  • Surgeon cleans your cervix by using a cotton swab.

  • With the help of small brush or another cotton swab, surgeon collects some cells from the cervix for further testing.

  • During the test, you won’t experience any pain, but you feel some stress on your lower abdomen. Relaxation and deep breathing helps you very much.
How to prepare for the Pap test?
  • To get effective results, follow these tips before undergoing the procedure.

  • Avoid intercourse, douching and usage of vaginal medicines, creams, spermicidal foams, or jellies for at least two days before undergoing the procedure.

  • Don’t schedule Pap test during your menstrual period.
What is the outcome of Pap smear?

It takes one to two weeks to get the results of Pap test. If the test comes negative, it indicates that there are not any abnormal cells. If the test comes positive, it indicates the presence of abnormal cells in the cervix. Causes of an abnormal pap smear include:
  • Cancer

  • Infection

  • Inflammation
Abnormal Pap smear indicates that you should undergo cervical examination once again. At this time, colposcope, a microscope like device is used to magnify the cervix. Then your doctor can determine whether there is an infection or a need of tissue sample to confirm the presence of cancer cells.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Leukemia Chemotherapy - Benefits And Side Effects

Do you or anyone you know have leukemia?

Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses powerful drugs to destroy cancel cells. These drugs can be given:
  • Intravenously, through a vein

  • Orally, by mouth

  • Through a catheter

  • Subcutaneously, injected under the skin

  • Intramuscularly, injected into muscle

  • Intrathecally, injected into cerebrospinal fluid
Chemotherapy for treating leukemia varies greatly because leukemia is of several types. Generally, leukemia treatment combines chemotherapy with various anticancer drugs that destroy cancer cells by preventing them from growing and dividing rapidly.

Catheter: When leukemia chemotherapy treatment is administered in this fashion, a thin, flexible tube is placed in a large vein, most often in the upper chest. Catheter that remains in place is useful for patients who require many IV treatments.

Your practitioner injects drugs into the catheter instead of directly into the vein. This type of drug administration avoids the need for various injections, which can make you feel discomfort and also injure the vein and skin.

Injecting into cerebrospinal fluid: If your doctor discovers cancer cells in the fluid that block the spaces in and around the spinal cord and brain, then your doctor considers intrathecal chemotherapy.

Then your doctor injects this drug directly into the spinal fluid. This method is considered because the drugs by mouth or IV injection don’t reach the cells in spinal cord and brain.

You will receive chemotherapy treatment in the form of cycle i.e. treatment period, recovery period and then another treatment period.

Leukemia chemotherapy can lead to various side effects based on the drug you are taking and the dose. Usually, chemotherapy drugs affect the cancer cells and divide them rapidly, but it can also affect other cells, which include:

Cells in hair root: Chemotherapy drugs can cause hair loss. Though your hair will grow back, the new hair may look different in color and texture.

Blood cells: Blood cells fight against infections, supply oxygen to all parts of the body and help the blood to clot. When the blood cells are affected, you are more susceptible to infections, bruise or bleed easily and feel weak and tired.

Cells at the lining of digestive tract: Chemotherapy causes lip and mouth sores, vomiting, nausea, poor appetite and diarrhea.

Some other side effects of chemotherapy:
  • You may have irregular menstrual periods or periods that may stop altogether.

  • You may experience menopause symptoms such as vaginal dryness and hot flashes.
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