Monday, November 30, 2009

15 Tips To Beat Menopause Hot Flashes!

Menopause is the stage that every woman needs to go through it and during this stage you won’t get your periods.

Most of the women will ask a question that what symptoms they might experience during this phase.

Generally, menopause symptoms greatly vary from one woman another.

Some women may experience insomnia as a major symptom, some experience severe back pain and some others experience menopause hot flashes.

We are not always certain which symptoms of menopause will strike your life.

Here are 15 tips that can help you to reduce the severity of menopause hot flashes:

1. Dietary triggers: There are several triggers that can increase the severity of menopause hot flashes. They include: caffeine, alcohol, diet pills, cayenne and spicy foods. If the severity of hot flashes becomes more when you consume these foods, it is suggested to eliminate them from your diet.

2. Exercise: You should have at least 30 minutes exercise daily whether it may be in the form of walking, running, bicycle riding or any other activity that make you work. Don’t do any exercise at least 3 hours before going to bed, as it can increase the severity of night sweats.

3. Hormone replacement therapy: This therapy includes estrogen replacement to provide relief from menopause hot flashes. But, estrogen has been associated with some medical risks and should be taken sparingly. Before undergoing estrogen replacement therapy, make sure to understand both the risks and benefits.

4. Soy: Research showed that including soy in your diet can reduce menopause hot flashes and also various other symptoms. Take soy most from your foods but not from soy supplements. Food sources of soy include: tempeh, soy milk, texturized vegetable protein, tofu, miso, whole soybeans, and soy powder.

5. Natural progesterone: Research found that progesterone give you relief menopause hot flashes and various other menopausal symptoms. You can find natural progesterone in the form of over-the-counter cream, capsules, compound prescription cream or in traditional prescription such as Prometrium.

6. Black cahosh: This is the most popular alternative for reducing menopause hot flashes. Not only hot flashes, also has this herb helped to relieve anxiety, heart palpitations and headaches.

7. Effexor: This is an anti-depressant helps to reduce menopause hot flashes in women taking breast cancer treatment. This medicine works well for women with breast cancer, so it is a best choice for women who don’t want to seek hormone replacement therapy.

8. Gabapentin: This drug helps to relieve migraine headaches. Research proved that this drug also help to relieve hot flashes to some extent.

9. Vitamin E: Research showed that vitamin E helps reduce the occurrence and severity of hot flashes and night sweats during menopause.

10. Antidepressants: Low-dose antidepressant medication may help forestall a hot flash by rebalancing or intercepting the chemicals in the brain that transmit the hot flash alarm, epinephrine and serotonin.

11. Acupuncture: This alternative treatment helps to move your inner wind, energy, or spirit. This treatment is helpful to reduce your hot flashes.

12. Relaxation and stress reduction: Relaxation and stress reduction can lower menopause hot flashes to some extent. Follow any of the techniques such as massaging, meditation, yoga, visualization, biofeedback technique, breathing exercises, and relaxation exercises.

13. Life style factors: Changing your lifestyle habits can have a positive impact on your life. Not only they can help to reduce menopause hot flashes, but also help to reduce fatigue, mood swings, loss of libido, insomnia, elevated cholesterol levels, muscle health, heart health, and bone health.

14. Fluid: Increase the intake of fluids than the usual. Drink lots of water and juices.

15. Hot conditions: Hot weathers even increase the severity of hot flashes. So, reduce hot foods, hot rooms, hot baths, hot tubs, and hot beds. Wear cotton clothes that allow your skin to breathe.

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