Friday, November 27, 2009

Importance Of Homeopathy For Women’s Health!

Homeopathy is a form of complementary and alternative medicine which contains few to no pharmacologically active ingredients.

Essentially, Homeopathy is completely natural and organic herbal ingredients in most cases.

Homeopathy may give you good health in all stages of life from infancy through old age.

Homeopathy gives you good emotional, physical and mental healthy. It aids through the transitional and developmental milestones of your life.

Homeopathy during teenage:

During the teenage, homeopathy can help with various hormone changes of puberty and acne break outs that most of the people experience at this time. Moreover, homeopathy helps with the emotional disturbances that frequently occur during the transition of little girl to womanhood.

When you are treated with homeopathy for pre-menstrual syndrome, the practitioner considers the most appropriate remedy that helps in relieving the symptoms like breast tenderness, irritability, fluid retention, mood swings and headaches.

Homeopathy during conception:

When you are trying to conceive or problems in conceiving, homeopathy helps you to some extent. During pregnancy, homeopathy helps with the symptoms like depression, nausea and morning sickness.

Homeopathy treats illnesses during pregnancy and makes you healthy to deliver a healthy baby and the baby free from any inherited diseases. Also, homeopathy helps you during the process of childbirth.

Homeopathy after childbirth:

Homeopathy helps women to overcome from the severe effects of difficult birth, hysterectomy, abortion, and also the use of contraceptive pills.

Homeopathy during menopause:

Homeopathy is extremely beneficial to women during menopause. Homeopathic remedies help women pass through this transition with relative ease. These remedies help to heal menopause symptoms like lack of energy, hot flashes, weepiness, insomnia, night sweats, and anxiety. These symptoms gradually disappear in such a subtle fashion that the person is unaware of how they passed.

Homeopathy works by stimulating the body's healing system to regain a sense of balance, problems involving hormonal imbalances respond well to homeopathic treatment. Problems associated with menstrual cycles, hormone imbalances, and pre-menstrual syndrome can be treated with homeopathy.

Fibroids can also be treated with homeopathy. For some women, homeopathy prevents the need of hysterectomy.

Along with the above conditions, homeopathy helps to treat conditions like: irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, gallstones, respiratory ailments, migraines, cystitis, fatigue, hay fever, depression and anxiety.

But, pregnant women while taking homeopathic remedies, consult the practitioner about their safety during pregnancy. Some may recommend homeopathy during pregnancy for heartburn, hemorrhoids and constipation.

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