Saturday, December 19, 2009

5 Alternative Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection!

Urinary tract infection occurs when the microorganism invades your bladder or urethra that carries urine from the bladder and out of the body.

Finally, it leads to burning or pain during urination, frequent urination, blood in the urine and lower back pain.
Proper sanitation and drinking lots of fluids are very much essential for preventing urinary tract infection.

Here are alternative medicine choices for treating urinary tract infection:

1. Juice therapy for treating urinary tract infection:

Drinking lots of fluids can help to flush out the bacteria that lead to urinary tract infection. Some fluids are even better than the others. For example, cranberry juice is probably the best, because it helps prevent bacteria from anchoring to bladder walls. It is best to take real cranberry juice, but not cranberry juice cocktails. This juice is rich in vitamin C and quinolic acid, which help to prevent UTI.

If you won’t find real cranberry juice, you can get cranberry juice concentrate, which you can mix with water. Researchers suggested that drinking 16 ounces of cranberry juice a day can help to prevent the problem. To get delicious taste, you can mix it with some fresh apple juice.

2. Aromatherapy for treating urinary tract infection:

Make essential oil by mixing equal parts of tea tree, juniper, sandalwood, frankincense, and bergamot. Thoroughly mix all these ingredients and apply over your bladder area and rub. Continue rubbing with this mixture for 3-4 days until the symptoms will subside.

3. Vitamin C to prevent urinary tract infection:

Daily intake of vitamin C in your diet will increase the acidity content of the urine and prevent bacterial growth. Women who are suffering from urinary tract infection, a daily intake of 1000mg of Vitamin C can prevent the disease from reoccurring.

4. Herbal remedies for treating urinary tract infection:

Herbal remedies such as goldenseal root, uva ursi and Echinacea when consumed three to four times a day can help to prevent urinary tract infection. Goldenseal root is a power antimicrobial agent, when consumed in the form of tea made from 1 tsp of dried herb per cup of hot water or as a tincture or in capsule form can help to prevent UTI.

Uva ursi is a powerful antiseptic agent that has soothing and strengthening properties. You can drink it in the form of tea or take as a tincture.

Echinacea contains substances that can help to fight infections such as UTI. You can drink Echinacea in the form of tea once a day or in the form of capsule once a day.

Some other herbs that help to prevent UTI include:
  • Marshmallow root: It is a soothing agent.
  • Corn silk: A soothing diuretic
  • Usnea Lichen: It has wonderful soothing and antiseptic properties.
  • Buchu: It is a soothing diuretic and antiseptic for the urinary system.
  • Usnea Lichen: It is an antiseptic and soothing agent.
  • Horsetail: It is an astringent and mild diuretic with tissue healing properties.
These herbs don’t cause any side effects when used at the suggested doses. But very rarely they can cause mild headache and stomach upset.

5. Homeopathic remedies for urinary tract infection:

You should consult a trained homeopathic practitioner to prescribe a deep acting and constitutional remedy. Do not take any remedy longer than a day or two without consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Here are some homeopathic remedies often prescribed for UTI:
  • Sarsasparilla: Helps to relieve pain that comes after urination has stopped.
  • Cantharis: For treating frequent urination that is associated with burning sensation.
  • Staphysagria: Helps to treat UTI that is the result of sexual intercourse.
  • Apis mellifica: Helps to treat stinging pain that becomes more severe with heat.

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