Monday, December 28, 2009

7 Self-care Tips For Bad Vaginal Odor!

An imbalance in the types of bacteria that are naturally found in a woman’s vagina leads to the foul smelling vaginal discharge.

During normal conditions, there are different types of bacteria present in your vagina.

The main symptom of this condition is abnormal vaginal discharge that tends to have an unpleasant odor.

Foul smelling vaginal odor can also be due to a sexually transmitted disease such as bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection.

Here are few self-care tips that help to reduce abnormal vaginal odor:

1. The fabric you use:

You should wear cotton panties. Cotton panties help to keep your vaginal area dry and allow air to pass through. When the vaginal area is dry, then there is a less chance for occurring the foul odor.

If you wear synthetic fabrics, they can trap the moisture in and promote odor by allowing the bacteria to develop that can lead to foul odor and infections.

2. Douche or not to douche:

Usually, douching affects the natural pH balance within your vagina. Frequent douching kills the healthy bacteria that can help in fighting against unhealthy bacteria, which cause infections. So, it is better to wash your vagina by using unscented, gentle soap and water.

3. Use panty liners:

Panty liners can help to absorb the moisture at your vaginal area. You will find them in scented and unscented forms and they greatly help you to stay dry and also odor free. As they are smaller in size, they do not cause any discomfort.

These small, discrete pads fit snugly right inside your panties. You can wear them anytime of the month and they simply help absorb any excess moisture. If you have fishy vaginal odor, you can use scented pads.

4. Holy hygiene:

Bad hygiene is the great cause of vaginal odors. So, daily bathing and washing your vagina twice a day can prevent the vaginal odor. Even you skip these for one day; it can lead to bad odor. Most of the women can get sweat in their groin area. It is also a major cause of vaginal odor. So, you should wipe this sweat daily to prevent vaginal odor.

5. Period perils:

Period is the most discomfortable time for every woman. The odor that comes along with the period can make the existing vaginal odor even worse. So, to prevent this from occurring, you should wash the vaginal area twice a day and change the pads or tampons regularly.

6. Chemical hygiene products:

Actually, using chemical sprays and scented hygiene products can lead to bad vaginal odors. Some chemical products cause itching or irritation around the vaginal area and also to the mucus membranes. Using these products can kill the healthy bacteria in your vagina and make it more prone to infections.

7. Check for bad vaginal smells:

You should know that bad vaginal smells can also be due to a condition like bacterial vaginosis. Symptoms of this condition include: a gray or white thin vaginal discharge with a strong fishy odor, itching or burning sensation. If you notice any of these symptoms, immediately consult your doctor.

Vaginal odor is a problem that plagues countless women and can reoccur every few months. There are effective treatments for the condition that don't just mask the odor, they actually treat the problem and eliminate it.

1 comment:

  1. Vaginal discharge is very common among women. It plays an important role in woman's life. Quantity and color of it, differs in every women depending on the part of menstrual cycle the women is in. Sometimes there can be variations in color and odour of it. One needs to be alert in such case, it can be due to various reasons. It can affect health, can be infection, so one should consult doctor immediately. Different color indicates different causes and problems.


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